JR Engineering Consulting Ltd.
© 2021 JR Engineering Consulting Ltd.
Our company provides comprehensive design, construction team and supervision of management services in :
本公司能提供以下全面性的設計, 施工團隊和管理服務。

Interior Decoration & Fitting Out
- 室內裝修
Alterations & Additions
- 建築物改造
Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Consultancy Services
- 結構工程師和岩土工程師名諮詢服務
Building Maintenance & Repair
- 樓宇維修/保養
Building interior and exterior renovation works
- 樓宇內外翻新工程
Licensing Application - FEHD, BD etc.
- 申請執照 - 食物環境衛生署, 屋宇署 等